Python Problem
Facing to make a Program
Q.What is python?
Python is programming
Python is a simple
and easy programming language .It is easy to learn and understand ,it’s
grammer very simple .If you know english speaking then you can easily learn
python language.Python language is the most popular and demanding language nowadays.
Q.What is scope of python language?
It’s scope is very
large ,in every companies private or government there is demand there is most
of the work done by python language.I will make some simple program but before
that first know about python.
It is used to make bar code
It is used to make result of any students
It is used to make applications
Founder of Python :
Guido Van Rossoum
How this programming
language name is python :By the circus i.e
Q.What are the
advantages of Python Language?
It is very simple to learn.
It is easy to learn it syntax
It’s coding is very simple in English language
Q.What is the problem facing by the beginners?
The begginers think
that it is similar like java ,C++ ,HTML language but it is not like this ,there
is simple English language that you use in dialy life.Python language and its
syntax is very simple to use and to make program.
The many students do lots of mistake i.e given below :
Many students they just cope up the programs
and paste in practical exam
They not understand its algorithm
They never try to make the program itself of the same questions.
They think that this is very hard
programming language.
They not understand the syntax of any
program and they never learn keywords of the python language.
They face a problem to make program
in looping because to run the loop i.e
for loop or while loop i.e very hard but not impposible ,But many students face
problem in looping related program.
How to learn python Language to make program?
First thing i.e you have to know about data types of python
.that are numeric ,string,list,tuple,and dictionary.
To know more about these data types in detail so click
on below link:
If you have understood data types,then you have to
print any thing
Let us understand using example:
If I say to print Python
Way to write a program
#this is a way to print any thing in console
screen,you have to use always print() function to print any statement
# and this is called string
Similarily If I
say print My name is abcd ,then
print(“My name is abcd”)
If I say take input from the user and that thing print
in console screen then
Use input() function to take input from the user see
below and if you want to write any statement so that user can understand that
what you want to say
#A is variable i.e identifier
A=input(“Enter any statement”)
Now if I say to print 3 ,then
Now If I say take input from the user
N=input(“Enter any number:”)
So your output will be in string form ,because you
know any thing inside quotes i.e string ,so now you have to convert in number
form i.e numeric form so use int()
function to convert given number into integer form,
N=int(input(“Enter any number:”)
Similarily If I say print two number like 2,3 then
Then your output will be 2,3
Now If I say what is the sum of 2 and 3 then,
#Here sum is variable
Then your output will be 5
You can write this is another way i.e
then your output will be same,
So similarily you can add more numbers ,subtract the numbers ,multiply and divide the number using
operator like - ,*,/.
Let us understand using example:
Example 1:
Example 2:
So now similarily you can take input from the user
Let us understand using example:
A=int(input(“Enter any first number:”)
N=int(input(“Enter second number:”)
Similarily you can do other mathematical operations.
Now I think you have understood upto now.
Simialarily you can do two string addition .And to more operations about string
,list ,tuple and dictionary click on below link.
Practice Questions:
1)write a program to print sum of three numbers.
2)write a program to print multiplication of two
So now first thing i.e analyse the program and then
design the program and convert into programming language.
To analyse-First understand the program and think
about inputs are require ,output require.
Design -To design a program you can use flow chart to
understand the program.
So to know or understand the program:
We will do dome example:
If I say make a program to print sum of the digits:
Num=int(input(“Enter a number:”))
While Num>0:
Remainder=Num%10 #here % modolus operator gives
decimal part 12%10=2
Num=Num//10 #floor division gives integer part 12//10=1
I think you are understanding python language ,so
similarily you have to do more programs on python .
To understand string ,Tuple,Dictionary in details so click on below links.
So finally To solve python Problems just read below
First things to know about keyword in
Keywords are predefined word and they always write in
small alphabets.
Then know about datatypes i.e string
,list ,tuple and dictionary .
Now you have to know how to take
input .
Then you have to know how to test the
test conditions.
How to run the loop.
Then understand and analyse the program
and convert into suitable form.
Q.How to test the condition?
To test condition understand by example:
N>A or A>N
it is testing the condition.
if A>N:
print(A “
is bigger number”)
bigger number”)
Here we are testing the two numbers using if -else structure
this is called testing.
So finally you have learned something from given information.
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