why python is easy language than other programming language?
Python is simple and easy programming language.It is very simple and easy to learn.
Python is best way and popular programming language in recents years.
Python is an interpreter language.
What is maent by interpreter ?
Interpreter means which check your coding or your program line by line .It is means it check your code line by line if there is any mistake then it returns error in the console screen.
Let us understand using example:
"abcd" is not string datatype in python.
There was something went wrong.
Assume there error first line as well as in second line i.e in first line not is an error and was is an error.
So when your run the code then ,
In console screen the error will show on the console screen i.e not.
now if you will rectify the error in first line and then you will the code again after removing the error in first line,So you will find in console screen it shows another error i.e was.
So here you can understand that the error is showing line by line ,it is not showing all error in one time in console screen.That's why Python use interpreter language.
So Now we will talk about compiler.
Compiler is opposite to interpreter.
Compiler gives list of error in one time in the console screen from the whole code.
I think you have understood that difference between interpreter and compiler.
Python is an easy Language?
Python is an easy language because it is easy to understand and its grammer is very easy.
To understand the logic of python program only require to lalgorithm.It is way to analyse the program .
Its syntax is also very easy .
But Python has least library.
It is the main limitation of the python interpreter.
What are the libraries in Python.
Python has library that math library ,random ,url lib,webbrowser,
math module has many defined fuctions are factorial() ,sqrt(),etc..
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