Create virus using python Shubham Prajapati March 27, 2023 Create virus using python from turtle import * speed(10) color('cyan') bgcolor('black') b=200 while(b>0): left(b) fo...
Triangle pattern using python Shubham Prajapati March 18, 2023 Triangle pattern using python 1.Normal triangle for i in range(1,5): for j in range(i,4): print(end=" ") for k in range(0,(...
Spiral problem using python Shubham Prajapati February 23, 2023 Spiral problem using python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Thu Feb 23 21:46:51 2023 @author: Shubham Prajapati Probl...
Program Shubham Prajapati January 17, 2023 Program 11: Find average and rank of a student for given input marks using functions Program: #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h...
Program to check given character is digit or not without using loop Shubham Prajapati December 31, 2022 Program to check given character is digit or not without using loop // WAP to check whether given character is digit // or not //Step:1 F...
Matrix Solution|The first line contains one integer t (11000) - the number of test cases Shubham Prajapati December 18, 2022 Matrix solutions The first line contains one integer t (11000) - the number of test cases Each test case of two lines. Each of those lines ...